Pamukkale: Turkey’s Snow White Landscape

Leave the snowsuit at home

Darren Weir


Snow-covered peak? Nope. — author’s photo

After three days just chillin’ in Bodrum, Turkey — no touring, no hiking, just lying by the pool, strolling along the Mediterranean shore, and enjoying the tropical scenery, I was ready for an adventure. And Pamukkale was it!

I tried to book a tour from Bodrum but was told that they only operate on Mondays and Fridays and I didn’t have a lot of room to pick another date. I asked about a private tour but was told it would be 150 Euros/day for two days or 300 Euros total, still a little more than I wanted to spend. I decided to go to the bus station and checked out the bus fares myself. It turned out that it would be about 40 Turkish Lira (about $25USD) for a return ticket for the 5.5-hour road trip from Bodrum to Pamukkale. Sold!

Bus to Hierapolis-Pamukkale Park — author’s photos

It would be about two hours longer than by car but well worth the money. It was also a luxurious bus; comfortable seats, air-conditioned, with an entertainment system for each seat and an attendant handing out drinks and…



Darren Weir

I write about Travel, Photography, Music - Parasol Publications Editor - Publisher of Travel Memoirs - TV News Producer (retired)