Paris Museum Pass: use it wisely to maximize its benefits

Jay Davidson
Published in
6 min readDec 16, 2021


Between the end panels of this fold-out booklet are maps, instructions, and descriptions of all the locations where you will be able to use your pass.

I love Paris and I love museums. This can be a dangerous combination!

Fortunately, I have been to Paris eleven times, spanning my first visit in 1986 to my last one in 2019. While I’m nowhere near being a pro, I know my way around and I know what I enjoy doing with my time when I am there. Visiting museums is always part of my plan.

My first bit of advice for any museum-lover considering a visit to Paris is to plan on being there at least a week, if you can possibly manage that. My visits have ranged from seven days to a full month. The month-long visit, in 2017, was especially amazing, in that I did a home exchange with a Parisian. It very definitely gave me the freedom to keep a relaxed pace, not having a heavy agenda to push.

This post is based on the 2018 visit I did with my partner, when we were in Paris for eighteen days on yet another home exchange. Home exchange!!! Three cheers for a free place to stay in Paris!

The up side to visiting Paris is that it is chock full of places to visit. The down side to visiting Paris is that it is chock full of places to visit. How can you possibly make your decisions when there are so many places to see and things to do? This time my main goal was to make the visit enjoyable for my partner, since it was his first time there.



Jay Davidson

Retired teacher (San Francisco, 1969–2003); Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Mauritania, 2003–2005); public speaker, artist, writer, traveler, world citizen