People Ask Me

Why do I want to travel?

Adrienne Beaumont


Church of the Saviour of the Spilled Blood St Petersburg (All photos are by author)

It’s a difficult question to answer with a short reply.

I just do.

For 13 years, I worked for 36 weeks a year and had 16 weeks’ holidays — 10 of those were midway through November to the end of January — our summer holidays in Australia. 10 weeks is a long time being a couch potato, so I would get a second job for at least some of those weeks doing manual labour — picking and packing in a warehouse or sorting Christmas mail in a mail centre. Hot, physically exhausting work.

The Gardens of the Summer Palace in Autumn at Peterhof

After a few years, I figured out that if I worked really hard during the school term, I could afford to have 10 weeks overseas at Christmas time and my preferred destination was Europe.

The Armenian Church in Red Square, Moscow

Why Europe?

I studied French for 7 years and always wanted a chance to use it, but more than that was the fact that both my exes had never been to Europe — and they still haven’t! So it kinda belongs to me.



Adrienne Beaumont

I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.