Petra: Jordan’s Historic Cave City

A to Z of my favorite travel destinations — P is for Petra

Darren Weir
Published in
8 min readDec 23, 2022


Petra Treasury — all photos by author Darren Weir

Jordan is often overlooked as a destination in the middle east but it shouldn’t be. Its neighbors may get more attention. Consider Egypt, Israel, West Bank, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. So it’s remarkable what a calm and peaceful country it is, despite the wars and political strife all around it. Jordan is safe, sophisticated, and clean and it has been spared any of the violence that has plagued many of its neighbors.

Amman-capital of Jordan; Beware camel highway sign — author’s photos

One of the highlights of any visit to Jordan is Petra, one of the world’s most famous archeological sites and which is nothing less than awe-inspiring.

I visited soon after the Arab Spring. Normally during peak tourism season, 10 to 15 thousand people will pass through Petra on any given day, maybe only half or a third of that during low season, but on the day I went only 20 tickets had been sold in the first half hour of the ticket office opening. That is unheard of and devastating for the hundreds who depend on this UNESCO Heritage site to make a living. Eventually, a few bus tours…



Darren Weir

I write about Travel, Photography, Music - Parasol Publications Editor - Publisher of Travel Memoirs - TV News Producer (retired)