Pistyll Rhaeadr

The Welsh wonder waterfall, taller than Niagara Falls, that many haven’t heard of


Approaching Pistyll Rhaeadr from the Tanat Valley © Simon Whaley

The ground beneath my feet pulsates, reverberating like a heartbeat. The tremors communicate a rhythm, a steady background vibration, but there’s also an additional accompaniment — a heavier pounding of the surrounding rocks. And — somewhere to my left — a higher-pitched, continuous drip. I’m not surprised that this is known as one of the Seven Wonders of Wales.

I was staying in the beautiful Tanat Valley. The weather forecast for the entire weekend was not good: heavy downpours, gusting winds, with occasional hail. So when the clouds cleared enough to offer a small peephole through to the hydrangea-blue stratosphere, I donned my boots to make the most of the brief respite.

The Tanat Valley © Simon Whaley

I wandered between narrow, hedge-lined Welsh lanes, and up onto the exposed hillside of Glan-Hafon. Somehow, the sunshine came with me, thanks to the stratospheric peephole growing into a full-sized bay window. But my eyes were drawn around the curvaceous contours of Glan-Hafon into the glacial Rhaeadr Valley.



Simon Whaley - Author | Writer | Photographer

Bestselling author, writer and photographer. UK travel writer. Lives in the glorious Welsh Borders. Contact: https://www.simonwhaley.co.uk/contact-me/