Rock Energy: Uluru & The Heartbeat of Australia

Immersed in Uluru’s Aura: A Symphony of Senses and Nature

DJ Hopkins
Published in
6 min readOct 23, 2023


Photo by Author DJ Hopkins

This place had always carried an air of mystique, and it’s peculiar that we hadn’t visited sooner, given our extensive spiritual travels throughout Australia and Asia.

As I place my hand on the colossal rock and close my eyes, an extraordinary connection sweeps over me. Like a communion with the ancient aboriginal elders who have nurtured this land for millennia.

Images flash through my mind of aboriginals sitting around fires and performing rituals. Imprinting their story on the rock. I can feel a warm vibration coursing through my veins.

Some might dismiss it as nonsense. “How can you feel the energy of a rock?” The Indigenous people have revered it for thousands of years though.

Rock Energy — Photo by Author DJ Hopkins

Uluru, or Ayers rock as it is also known, the heartbeat of Australia transcends just being a rock; it holds genuine significance to its people. It is the mother, the spiritual sentinel, watching over the land.



DJ Hopkins

The GenX Effect - Weirdness, Creativity, Music, Spiritual Awakening, Satire and Dodgy Humor | Interior Designer-Songwriter-Musician-Introvert