Searching for Waterfalls and Finding Something More

At first, we searched for waterfalls in all the wrong places.

Bebe Nicholson


My spouse and I ran across this waterfall by accident when we drove past a crooked sign that said “waterfall.” We decided to have a look. Photo by author

When I started an article about waterfalls for Globetrotters’ monthly challenge, the natural place for me to go was Iceland. I have some spectacular waterfall photos from our trip there last August.

One of the many amazing waterfalls we visited in Iceland. That’s me in the pink jacket. Photo from author’s collection.

Here’s another picture I couldn’t resist including, because how do you omit a waterfall with a rainbow from a waterfall article?

The rainbow was visible from every angle at this waterfall in Iceland. Photo by author

But despite the other-worldly beauty of those Icelandic falls, I’ve written about Iceland before, and Iceland is not where my love of waterfalls originated.

I became a waterfall aficionado many years before, in 2005.

My husband and I had just closed on our South Carolina home, which was the fulfillment of my husband’s dream to own a lake house. But fulfilling his dream came with an unexpected bonus. Our house was in the foothills, or “upstate,” and my dream had always been to live in a place with a…



Bebe Nicholson

Writer, editor, publisher, journalist, author, columnist, believer in enjoying my journey and helping other people enjoy theirs.