So Why Didn’t I Make the Most of the MTR in Hong Kong?

The Mass Transit Railway system is fast and efficient but unfortunately, I wasn’t

Nishan Fuard


Heading down on the leftmost escalator in Fortress Hill MTR station in Hong Kong. This takes up two-thirds of the frame. In the last third is another downwards escalator but also one heading up.
Fortress Hill MTR station. Photo: ©Nishan Fuard

It was time to walk off the Sausage and Egg McMuffin so I headed into Fortress Hill MTR station.

So began my first full day in Hong Kong and…uh…wait! Let me stop here. I need to think this through.

Gimme a minute…

I could write an account of the day, but it would be exhausting to read. There are probably several stories I could write instead of just one. So I’ll do that. I promise.

But I also realise whether or not I write one long story or several short ones, I’ve got a bad habit of including extraneous details. Little observational asides that have some small worth, perhaps, but not in travel writing.

I’m loath to cut them. However, they are sometimes so large they break free of their parentheses and become paragraphs. Then, invariably, they have to go.

On this occasion, though, I’m taking a different approach. I’m giving them a place of their own to live and grow.

So here are some vignettes about using the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) system. Some explain why I didn’t use it more.



Nishan Fuard

I like to write about Photography and Travel. You might learn something but I’m no teacher…