Solace in Gray: Southeastern Arizona

Solo travel times in the state I never knew I needed

Melissa Rock


Trail near Rincon Mountain. Photo by Author.

The Globetrotters community has heard quite a bit about the outdoor adventures I wasn’t prepared for.

Montserrat, The Boundary Waters, Eagle Mountain.

Well, I’m consistent. Hiking Madera Canyon near Tucson kicked my ass. Which apparently I ask for?

It’s ok though, I’m a better person with every struggle.

View from the patio of my home for two weeks. Photo by Author.

In 2021, I spent two weeks at a friend’s empty house in Green Valley, Arizona — located between Tucson and the Mexico border.

To set the scene — April 2021 for me meant I was living in Minnesota — feeling the effects of seasonal depression, Covid was running rampant, and because of this I had not been on a plane for over a year. I wanted to go somewhere for two weeks, within my budget, alone.

Like many, I was over it.

My friend said — “Why don’t you go to my parent’s house south of Tucson? They’ll be gone by then.”

I’d never been to Tucson. I was cold and overwhelmed enough to consider it.

