Some Zambian colors

Bright flashes from nature

Ronald Smit
3 min readJan 13, 2023


The golden light of the sun setting over a dark river and darker trees, partially behind clouds
The sun setting over the Zambezi river. © Ron Smit, December 2022

I am currently in what some people call the Dark Continent. (I disagree with that name entirely, but that’s another story.)

Today, I am going to share some brilliant and vibrant colors from this beautiful part of the world, all collected during a trip through southern parts of Zambia, last December.

Perhaps it’s appropriate that I start this story with my picture of a (double!) rainbow. Seen from Mukalya Lodge on the Zambezi river.

A double rainbow curving onto a river, seen between trees
A double rainbow, and even partially reflected into this magnificent river. © Ron Smit, December 2022

December is smack in the middle of the “green season” in Zambia, which is the positive spin they put on “rainy season”, so as not to put off potential tourists. I should therefore start with an image that features a lot of green.

A young and almost yellow giraffe looking from behind a bush, between green trees and on green grass
A young giraffe peering from behind a bush, surrounded by various shades of green. Seen inside the private game reserve at Mukalya Lodge. © Ron Smit, December 2022.

That young giraffe was quite light in color, almost edging towards yellow. But I have an example of much brighter yellow for you:

A yellow-and-black bird, perched on top of a straw-colored nest
A male Lesser Masked Weaver, pictured while constructing his nest in the acacia trees in front of our accommodation. © Ron Smit, December 2022

Let’s go to another primary color. It’s an unlikely and uncommon one in nature, and therefore very noticeable as we passed by during a hike. They looked like little fat spiders, and in fact, they were Red Velvet Mites, very appropriately named.

Bright red mites on a buff-colored, sandy soil, between blades of green grass
These little red critters were running around the ground, sometimes in little trains. © Ron Smit, December 2022
Three red mites on a buff-colored sandy soil
Close-up of three mites. The ones with their legs visible appeared to be having a chat with the fatter one who was just sitting there. Anyway, that’s what it looked like. © Ron Smit, December 2022

I can’t really write about Africa without at least one image of the large, bright blue sky, so here goes, as seen through our windscreen while driving between different locations:

Looking through the vehicle windscreen over a brown dirt road between green bushes and a blue sky behind
Blue sky over the brown of a good dirt road, flanked by greenery. Africa. © Ron Smit, December 2022

And then, for the grande finale, here is an entire palette of color, from a sunset over the Zambezi river, somewhat upstream of the Victoria Falls:

Bright golden sunset behind a black line of trees, relecting into a dark river
The sun providing a last bit of golden light to the day. © Ron Smit, December 2022

If you like seeing these types of pictures or would like to read about my travels, then you’re welcome to have a look at my blog, where I describe these:



Ronald Smit

Husband, father, geologist, consultant. I love travelling and learning, sharing feelings about all that, sometimes funny, always positive.