Writing — Travel

Eight Reasons to Move to a Caribbean Island

What I love most about living in the beautiful country of Trinidad & Tobago

JoAnn Ryan
Published in
6 min readJun 21, 2022


Trinidad Las Cuevas Beach — Photo by JoAnn Ryan

When people think of the Caribbean islands, they tend to think first of Jamaica, The Bahamas, Barbados and other such popular destinations. Less well known is the country of Trinidad and Tobago.

Never in a million years would I have thought I’d be living here— always said I didn’t want to live anywhere else other than my home country.

Never say never because here I am. Getting used to living in a new country has its ups and downs — here’s my prerogative on the ups of living on the island of Trinidad. Also, check out my post Eight Reasons Not to Move to a Caribbean Island to get a scoop on the downside of things.

1. People

When I first moved here, one of the first that amazed me most was how quickly a person could strike up a conversation with a random person. This was a bit jarring at first. When my husband would strike up conversations with random people, I always braced myself.

What is he doing? I figured the person would respond like how many people do in the U.S. Look at him like he was crazy and then just ignore him.



JoAnn Ryan

A complete mess but always striving to do better. Owner of Globetrotters, In Living Color and The Midnight Garden.