The Absence of Blue Skies in Oregon Creates a Need for Light Therapy

Does the greenery make up for the gray?

Michele Maize


Gray all day? — Photo Credit: Michele Maize

Being born and raised in Southern California, I have known sunny days most of my life. With approximately 263 sunny days a year, it is hard to beat the weather where I live in Orange County. California is one of the sunniest states in America and we are graced with a lot of blue, from the skies and how it shimmers onto our ocean, lakes, and rivers.

Meanwhile, Arizona and New Mexico boast the most sunny days in America, but sometimes the heat can be unbearable because they are not near the blue Pacific Ocean. While there are still gray days and rain, as it can’t be sunny all the time, it is nothing like Oregon in January.

The state of Oregon, a quick plane ride from where I reside, is a different world in terms of weather. Oregon's beautiful green, lush areas, including Eugene, Corvallis, and neighboring cities, only see around 150 days of sunshine a year. Does the greenery, lush forests with moss and lichen, and clean air compensate for the lack of sunshine?

The lack of blue indeed gives many people the blues. Low levels of vitamin D, from the lack of sun and blue skies, can cause depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder), which is something you need to think about before moving to a…



Michele Maize

Sober Traveler | Wannabe Vegan | Yoga Addict. Extrovert turned introvert who loves dachshunds. Owner of "The Maze". Editor at Black Bear and Globetrotters.