The Beauty of Osaka In the Rain

It’s the seemingly mundane moments which make me feel the deepest. Transitioning to life in my new home.

Vincent Van Patten
Published in
6 min readSep 10, 2022


Osaka, Japan. Photo by the author.

An early autumn rain falls upon Osaka, Japan. I lay in bed writing after a day of work.

I listen to the rain which pours outside my window. This is something I tell myself I have to do — write, dig, explore my changing thoughts as if that’s why I’ve come here. And in a way it is.

But in reality, I’m here just to be. I’m here to listen to the sound of rain — that continuous sound of water falling upon city, concrete and earth.

I don’t know why, but this gives me a deep sense of meaning, knowing that wherever I go and whatever I do, I’ll be okay because there’s more to this than I can possibly comprehend. The mystery far surpasses understanding, and we may find solace in that.

That tells me we’ll be okay.

I find inspiration from the stillness of the early morning and the thoughts that arise while going about the day.

I find energy and better know myself as I listen to the evening autumn rain which teems upon the narrow streets below.

The Osaka skyline, which I view from my small balcony, glows with scattered, iridescent neon lights.



Vincent Van Patten

Exploring what lights my soul on fire ❤️‍🔥 Living in Japan.