The Best Winter Excursion of My Life

Snowshoe hiking in Zermatt, Switzerland

4 min readDec 21, 2022


Chapter 1: Prelude to Snowshoe hiking

The recipe for snowshoe hiking is, to put it simply, a pair of snowshoes and loads of snow.
This is without stating the obvious that you also need lots of layers of clothes to protect you from all the loads of snow around.

Also, one would look weird just wearing snow shoes and naked above.

Last year this time, we flew from Dubai to Zurich and then a train ride to Zermatt. Hiking in the snow was the reason Zermatt was shortlisted as the place to begin our winter swiss holidays. We looked around for snowshoes on rent and got plenty of places offering the same including Decathalon.

Snowshoes. Pic Credits: Wikipedia

As we entered a shop, one look at us, wrapped in 27 layers of clothes, was enough for the salesman to do his daily target by selling us multiple other paraphernalia. And for obvious reasons, the kind gentleman forgot to inform us that it has not snowed for the past week and is not forecasted to snow for the next 3 days as well.

So now, we had 1 by 2 things essential for snowshoe hiking. We had the equipment, but unfortunately & beyond our human powers, we had no snow around.

Chapter 2: Gornergrat to the rescue

We had 24 hours to return the snowshoe hiking equipment. We could not find snow in and around Zermatt. We did not know how to do snow dance to please the gods. But, fortunately, we knew how to google.

Gornergrat, a picturesque, tourist spot for hiking and skiing was accessible from Zermatt. Gornergrat Bahn, a cogwheel train took us to the top of Gornergrat, though the cost of the ticket was as if it is taking us to the top of Matterhorn.

Cog wheeled train to Gornergrat with the mighty Matterhorn in the background. Photo Credit : Michael Lammli Unsplash

On the top, we finally found snow! Heaps of snow! Or at least we thought that 3 inches of snow qualifies to be called heaps of snow.

We loaded ourselves with the gear and were all set to hike. So the usual hiking modicum is to go to Gornergrat by train and then come down hiking. The total hike is about 10–11 km, but you can stop at any of the 4 stations in between (Findelbach, Riffelalp, Riffelberg & Rotemboden) and take the train back.

Screenshot by author from

Chapter 3: The actual snowshoe hike

We started the hike from the top, so naturally, it was mostly a downward incline, which in itself was an adventure.

Our confidence gained in abundance thanks to our snow shoes, hiking sticks, waterproof overalls, and warm gloves. 10 minutes into the hike we came across an older gentleman who was coming from the opposite side. He wore normal shoes and clothes. He informed me that he forgot something on top and casually went about in the opposite direction.

My wife and I looked at each other. We looked at our gear. Then we looked at him walking casually on 3 inches of snow which we thought was abundant for snowshoe hiking.

We quickly concluded that he must be a local and must be used to walking frequently in snow. Also, his shoes looked quite snow friendly against our poor desert shoes which could be dangerous to health on snow.

The 2 hours on the hike were one of the most serene and beautiful moments of our life. The air felt fresh and pure. The peak of Matterhorn followed us no matter where and how much we turned. The snow-capped terrain shone brilliantly against dim sunlight hidden behind white clouds.

Snow & only snow around. Pic Source: Self

The trail of small sheep feet markings in the snow and droppings kicked in our Netflix gained detective skills to determine nearby villages.

A couple of steep drops and slippery turns on the hike added a bit of adventure to our otherwise peaceful hike.

A couple overtook us in the middle of the hike. They were also casually walking in their boots on the snow. We convinced each other that they also appeared to be locals and quite used to snow. We looked again at our shoes to reaffirm our choice of renting a snowshoe hiking experience.

Towards the fag end of the hike the older gentleman had returned with whatever he had lost. Smiled at us, and overtook us. I & my wife became quiet for some time. Shameful introspection does that to a person.

Chapter 4: The End & the aftereffects

By the time we finished our downward hike, the legs were wobbling like Jelly (A hint at our state of fitness!). We could not get the experience out of our heads. It was simply surreal.

The mighty Matterhorn in the backdrop. Pic Source: Self

The snowshoes gave us confidence. The hiking sticks gave us courage. They might be more useful in deeper snow hikes but quite useful for the 1st timers.

Onwards & Upwards towards more snowshoe hiking this winter. Know any great places for the same?

