The Fabulous Forest of Dean

Exploring the tree-mendous Welsh Border forest where wild boar roam


The River Wye seen from Yat Rock © Simon Whaley

“Do not feed the wild boar!” screams the sign on the noticeboard.

Furtively, I scan the surrounding trees. Are they watching me now?

Weighing up to 15-stone and standing over 2 ½ feet tall, a wild boar couldn’t be any happier than in the Forest of Dean. This 42-square miles of woodland habit is perfect for them. They love churning up the woodland soil for bulbs, roots, seeds, nuts, earthworms and insects with their super-strong snouts.

But they’re not popular with the locals. A wild boar can do a lot of damage if they wander into a garden or vegetable patch!

They thrive here because the Forest of Dean is tucked away in a leafy corner of Gloucestershire, sandwiched between the River Wye and Wales to the west and the River Severn to the south-east.

It’s one of England’s oldest woodlands, designated a royal hunting ground in Saxon times. In 1218, the Normans introduced special forest laws, upheld by four local officials called verderers. Today, the forest is still overseen by four verderers.



Simon Whaley - Author | Writer | Photographer

Bestselling author, writer and photographer. UK travel writer. Lives in the glorious Welsh Borders. Contact: