Trains Can Tell You A Lot About A Place

A lot more than just how to get to another city

Maria Garcia
Published in
6 min readMay 21, 2024


Daydreaming train ticket collector in Kyoto. Photo credit: Maria Garcia

I was somewhere between Paris and Munich when the Deutsche Bahn came to an untimely stop. We were sitting in a six-seat carriage, consumed in the 32nd round of Uno with our new train friends when it happened. One girl was French, and the other was Austrian. Thank goodness someone understood German.

“The train has come to a stop. Please wait for further information.” spoke the German automated voice.

We shrugged, thinking not much of it, and resumed our endless round of Uno. Moments later, the conductor's voice — a man this time — mumbled from the speakers.

“Please remain locked in your carriage for safety reasons. We will update you with more information shortly.”

We all exchanged confused and comical glances. Then we looked towards our carriage door and found only a doorknob, but no lock option.

“They did say to lock ourselves in here…” someone commented. So we gathered our supplies and thought of a resourceful solution. A unanimous decision was quickly made to create a luggage fort.

