Want To Marry Someone? Travel With Them First

A trip is cheaper than a divorce

Paul S. Marshall


All photos by author

It’s not until the flight is delayed, the luggage is lost, and that significant bout of gastro that we’ll truly know who our partners are. In sickness and health, in boredom and mild states of panic, travel has a way of bringing out the best and worst in everyone and as such should be one of the foundational experiences when deciding if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone.

Things will go wrong.

And in doing so, these things will push us out of our comfort zones into that nebulous place of vulnerability, one without makeup or modesty where all our ugly bits and pieces are on display for each other to see.

The first test that travel exposes our relationship to is at the airport. Flying is a uniquely painful experience, one which can reveal the true nature of a person in subtle ways. For example, do they stand up and queue before their boarding zone is called? Then congratulations, you dodged a bullet, feel free to let your friends and family know that the wedding is off and it was never meant to be.

