What’s The Meaning of Stonehenge?

The ancient heavy rock mystery in the heart of England

DJ Hopkins
Published in
5 min readJun 11, 2024


The author and a Henge — Photo by author

It’s roughly 4500 years ago in ancient Britain, and a group of blokes are standing around in animal skins, looking all proud and smug.

“Hey John, look at what we built!” One of them grunts. John, scratching his head and squinting at the bizarre-looking structure in front of him, asks. “So, what is it exactly?”

The first guy, still beaming, replies. “It’s a Stonehenge.”

John, now utterly baffled, replies. “A what? What’s the point of it, and where’d you get those great big stones from?”

“Well,” says the builder. “It aligns with the summer solstice, and we got the stones from just up the road in Wales — 180 miles away!”

According to mainstream narratives, that’s what happened. I might have made up the dialogue, but you have to wonder why building this strange architecture was so important at the time.

The official story raises more questions than it answers.

Like ordering a fancy cocktail in a quaint English country pub that only serves pints — it’s such unnecessary effort. I mean, did some Neolithic Briton take a day trip to Wales and think. “Hey, those gigantic stones are perfect for



DJ Hopkins

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