When Travelling, the Gray Days are Sometimes the Best Ones

Embracing the rainy, cloudy skies of Portugal in November



Photo by Bell Dae

I’ve have spent just over a month in Portugal now and the one thing it has taught me more than anything is to embrace rain. It wasn’t necessarily a choice, as it has rained pretty much every single day. However, I am no longer upset about that.

Some of my most fun memories of Portugal are because of the rain. My friend and I walking determinedly through the streets of Porto completely soaked. Slipping down the hills that the city is built on and cry laughing because of it. Buying a 5 Euro massive rain poncho that screams tourist and loving it.

photo by Bell Dae

Before I came here, I was not aware that Porto is one of the rainiest cities in Southern Europe — especially from October onward. But that’s okay! I think sometimes when travelling, it’s better when not everything turns out perfect.

These imperfections while travelling teach me to adapt, to find happiness outside of the obvious, to embrace those around me.

I came here to surf, but surfing has been off the cards for two weeks now due to storms…




Travel blogger, designer and writer ✈️🌍👩‍🎨 traveloffscript.com __ You can support me and my writing here: https://ko-fi.com/bellks :)