When You Pay for a Steak…

… and get served a schnitzel instead

Vickey Maverick.
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2023


The restaurant is somewhere in this area [Photo: Vickey Maverick]

Eating out in Finland can be expensive, especially if you are in the Helsinki area. Unless, of course, you are willing to put your health at risk, and survive on stuff from the supermarket for the entire duration of the trip. Well aware of this, we were prepared to loosen the purse strings as and when required, when we decided to go ahead with the trip.

However, paying more doesn’t exactly guarantee either better quality or great taste. There are days when you get value for money, and get back to your hotel room immensely satisfied with your dining experience. Then there are those days when you feel cheated.

While you end up paying a lot more than usual, the quality of food at the restaurant is underwhelming, and that is putting it mildly. As such, your overall experience is a huge disappointment. We were made to endure such a disappointment.

Unfortunately for us, our worst dining experience on this trip happened to be on the best and most memorable day of our lives. It was our anniversary.

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Vickey Maverick.

Ditch the Niche: Focused on providing insightful narratives on diverse topics like culture, health, history, slice of life, sports, travel, work, and on writing