Why I Love European Christmas Markets

Adrienne Beaumont
Published in
5 min readDec 13, 2021


Photo by cmophoto.net on Unsplash

I’m Australian. I live in Brisbane. At Christmas-time, it’s hot, humid and icky. I hate it. All I want to do is stay in the pool — not visit a crowded, hot market. Even the night markets are not enjoyable.

I’ve travelled to Europe six times in the past ten years. Until 2018, I took 10 weeks’ holiday most years and headed off to Europe in mid-November to return before the start of school at the end of January. One year, my flight arrived home at 10.30 am and I had a professional development to present to a whole school at 1.30 pm. I don’t know how I got through that presentation. If you haven’t flown from London to Australia, you won’t understand the awful jetlag especially as you age. The longest trip home was 37 hours!

I’ve visited a lot of Christmas markets in Europe and I loved all of them. If you’ve never been to a Christmas market, you must not miss Rothenburg, Germany. Not only do they have a wonderful Christmas market, but they also have a gorgeous Christmas shop and an amazing Christmas museum, where you’re not allowed to take photos.



Adrienne Beaumont

I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.