July Mouthly Digest
Published in
1 min readAug 1, 2022
Flash News ⚡
Development and Finance
- Gleam with Liquidifty completed list of winners here
- Globula Community Round Completed (Gleam and Discord)
- We have released several new assemblies (builds) of the Globula alpha version — the current version can be downloaded from our website: https://www.globula.space/downloads-dev-zone/
- The AR module has been updated to version 1.0.4.
It can also be downloaded and tested on our website: https://www.globula.space/downloads-dev-zone/ - We keep posting new soundtracks
For the Community
- We are introduce new partners — IDOresearch Ventures!
- Globula AMA session on the Liquidifty telegram channel
- 100,000 GLB tokens will be distributed among the Discord members!
- We continue to publish videos with our AR module under the hashtag #GlobulaAttack
- A video tutorial for installing and using the APK has been created
- Several contests were held for the community on our Discord server
Things we’re working on
- We are actively negotiating with our future partners in the field of finance and technology
- We continue to work on new builds of the alpha version Globula and AR module
- The soundtrack, tutorials, narrative, and most importantly, the game code are being written gradually
- Preparing future contests for the Globula community
- Negotiations are underway with influencers and CEX