Animated Diagrams: The Rising Buzz and Handy How-To’s

Vijay Chintha
GLOCAL Leadership Unleased
5 min readOct 14, 2023


From visual storytelling to data interpretation, the recent industry buzz has revolved around animated diagrams. Let’s dive into this exciting trend and understand why everyone is going gaga over them.


While static diagrams have been the mainstay of presentations and explanations for years, there’s a new player in town that’s catching everyone’s attention: animated diagrams. These innovative representations not only display information but also make it come alive, providing a more immersive and engaging experience for the viewer.

I attempted to address this in my previous article using, which addresses the animated connectors and how-to’s, my most viewed and read article in Medium. Here is the link for my previous article.

Now, I have found a much more powerful tool that most of the industry is using, and in the next one-minute read you will be able to figure that out.

Why the Buzz About Animated Diagrams?

  1. Dynamic Flow Illustration: Animated diagrams, especially those that show connectors moving to illustrate flow between components, offer a clearer understanding of processes, systems, or flowcharts. It’s much easier to follow an animated flow than to mentally connect static dots.
  2. Engagement Boost: Motion naturally draws the human eye. An animated sketch or diagram commands attention, ensuring that the message gets across effectively.
  3. Complexity Simplified: For intricate systems or processes, static diagrams can become cluttered. Animations break down complexity, revealing each component step by step.
  4. Memorable Presentations: An engaging animated diagram can make a presentation memorable. When viewers recall the content, they’re likely to remember the dynamic visuals that came with it.

Here are a couple of animators to give you a look and feel of how it looks like

Image Credit: Sketch-wow and Content
Image Credit to Sketchwow

The Science Behind Animation’s Appeal

Animations stimulate our visual and auditory senses. This dual engagement makes content more digestible and memorable. According to cognitive studies, our brains are wired to respond more actively to moving objects, stemming from evolutionary instincts. So when data or processes come alive through animation, it naturally captures and retains our attention.

Applications of Animated Diagrams

Animated diagrams aren’t just for boardrooms or classrooms. Their application spans across industries and professions:

  • Education: Teachers use animated diagrams to explain complex topics, making them more relatable and understandable to students.
  • Marketing: Animated infographics and flowcharts can distill large amounts of data into viewer-friendly content, increasing engagement rates.
  • Healthcare: Animated diagrams can break down complex medical procedures or the workings of drugs for patients, making the information more palatable.

Enter Sketch-wow: The Game-Changer

One tool that has been a secret weapon for many is SketchWow. Though many have been tight-lipped about their go-to tools for creating these animations, it’s clear that SketchWow stands out in the crowd.

Tool Link:

Features of Sketch-wow:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Even those new to animation can quickly get the hang of it.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a range of diagrams, from organizational charts to complex system flows.
  • High-Quality Outputs: The animations are smooth, ensuring professional-quality visuals every time.

How to Create Animated Diagrams Using Sketch-wow

  1. Start Simple: Begin with a basic diagram. Familiarize yourself with the tool’s features and functionalities.
  2. Use Templates: Sketch-wow offers a variety of templates. Choose one that fits your needs, and customize it accordingly.
  3. Animate Connectors: The key to a dynamic flow diagram is in its connectors. Use the animation feature to set motion paths for each connector, indicating the flow direction.
  4. Preview and Refine: Always preview your animations. Ensure that the flow is logical, and the animation speed is neither too fast nor too slow.
  5. Export and Share: Once satisfied, export your animated diagram in your preferred format. Sketch-wow supports multiple formats, making it easier to integrate into presentations, websites, or documents.

Challenges and Solutions

Like any tool, animated diagrams come with their own challenges:

  • Overwhelming Viewers: Too much motion can confuse or overwhelm viewers. The key is to find a balance, using animation to enhance understanding, not to detract from it.
  • Technical Glitches: As with any digital tool, there can be technical glitches. Regularly updating your software and having a backup of your work can mitigate potential problems.

Beyond Traditional Sectors: Animated Diagrams in New Arenas

Entertainment: Filmmakers and content creators use animated diagrams to provide exposition or context in storytelling. This can be seen in various documentaries or explainer videos.

Technology and UX/UI Design: Animated diagrams can elucidate the flow of data through a new software or how a new app’s user interface functions. This makes the onboarding process smoother for users and stakeholders.

Training and Workshops: Instructors in varied fields are leveraging animated diagrams to showcase complex procedures, be it a mechanical process or a culinary recipe.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of animated diagrams outweigh the pitfalls, especially when using a robust tool like SketchWow.

Future Prospects: The Road Ahead

The trajectory of animated diagrams appears promising. With technological advancements, we might witness even more immersive diagrams incorporating virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR). Such enhancements could redefine how we present and consume complex data in the future.


The age of static diagrams isn’t over, but there’s no denying the appeal and effectiveness of animated diagrams. As tools like SketchWow make the creation process more accessible, we can expect to see more dynamic diagrams in presentations, educational materials, and more. If you’re looking to step up your visual representation game, now’s the time to dive into the world of animated diagrams.

Note: If you read it until here, it means you are keen on my writing and assume I was able to write the content engagingly. so here is the bonus for you :

the website says here that subscription cost : monthly or yearly basis

If you go to the link here at sketch-wow Facebook page you will get it for a lifetime 49$ . or in direct link here

Disclaimer : Please dont assume I am trying to sell anything here, it is completely your call and I am trying to share the information so you know it exists .

Thanks once again for reading !!! look for my next article over at medium



Vijay Chintha
GLOCAL Leadership Unleased

Platforms, Performance, Scalability, SRE, DevOps,Kubernetes, AWS, Big-Data are my strengths. Technical Management and Strategic Leadership where I am heading to