Knowledge vs Conviction: The Uncharted Path from Certainty to Wisdom

Vijay Chintha
GLOCAL Leadership Unleased
2 min readAug 11, 2023


The power of self reflection

Background :

our quest for personal and professional growth, we all experience moments when we feel confident in our knowledge and abilities. However, true wisdom is often found in the realization that there’s always more to learn and that sometimes, our convictions may lead us astray. Here’s a journey through the phases of understanding, from being confident to realizing the depth of what we don’t know.

Source : linkeidn posts

Journey through the phases of understanding

Phase 1: Confidence in Knowledge

Pretty darn sure I know a lot and feel great about it.

It starts with a rush. Perhaps you’ve just finished a course, read a groundbreaking book, or achieved a personal milestone. You feel on top of the world, equipped with knowledge that feels empowering. There’s a certainty that makes you feel invincible, and that’s a great feeling.

Phase 2: Self-Questioning

Do I actually know that much?

Then, as you progress, meet more people, and get exposed to diverse opinions and facts, you begin to question your convictions. Was what I learned the absolute truth or just a fraction of it? This phase is crucial, for it demands introspection and prompts you to challenge your previously held beliefs.

Phase 3: Acknowledgment of Limited Knowledge

I don’t know as much as I thought.

The initial confidence might wane as you realize that the world, with its vastness, cannot possibly be encapsulated in a book, a course, or even a series of experiences. You see that there’s so much you don’t know, and that realization can be humbling.

Phase 4: The Emotional Impact

Feeling ashamed and embarrassed about not knowing that much.

Recognizing one’s ignorance can be an emotional experience. There might be shame or embarrassment when you compare your perceived knowledge with the actual depth of what exists to be known. This phase can be tough but is essential to growth.

Phase 5: Embracing The Journey

Realizing how little I know is the first step to becoming someone who actually knows stuff.

The acknowledgment of our own limitations is not a weakness but the beginning of true wisdom. By embracing our gaps in knowledge, we open ourselves to lifelong learning. We understand that the journey towards knowledge is infinite, and that’s exciting. For in that infinite journey, lies the chance to continually evolve, challenge ourselves, and redefine our convictions.

Conclusion :

As you move through your professional and personal life, embrace each of these phases. Let them guide you, refine you, and propel you forward. For in the balance of knowledge and conviction lies the path to wisdom and success. Share this journey with others and inspire them to embark on their own path to understanding.



Vijay Chintha
GLOCAL Leadership Unleased

Platforms, Performance, Scalability, SRE, DevOps,Kubernetes, AWS, Big-Data are my strengths. Technical Management and Strategic Leadership where I am heading to