Unshackled: The Book That Becomes a Skilled Immigrant’s Best Friend

Vijay Chintha
GLOCAL Leadership Unleased
10 min readJul 31, 2023

“Unshackled Book Servs as a True Friend and Well-Wisher for Every Skilled Immigrant in the US”

In the form of the book ‘Unshackled,’ Every skilled immigrant will have a new friend, a new family member, and a well-wisher to whom an individual can reach out for guidance. ( A warm welcome to your life is just one click away ) — Vijay Chintha

This book review is a humble attempt to relay a message to my fellow skilled immigrants, particularly from countries such as India and China, who have migrated to the United States. It is important to understand that we are backed by a supportive community that is ready to help when necessary.

Image of the book by the author

I am privileged to review this book and publish my takeaways from the book in a medium article.

Link for book

Thanks once again, Soundarya Balasubramani and Sameer Khedekar, for taking precious time to write this book; this is a great service to the community.

Facts :
i received the first signed copy from authors after the book launch
i am also certain that i am the first one to read the entire book , thanks for west coast to east coast 6 hours flight journey , thanks to my wife for competing with me on reading throughout the journey

Image of the signed copy of the book by the author

Your part is simple — secure a copy of the book “Unshackled,” penned by Soundarya Balasubramani and Sameer Khedekar, and read it at a pace that aligns with your immigration journey.

Who will benefit from this book?
This book guides navigating 11 visa pathways, including the O-1, EB-1A, EB-1B, L-1, H-1B, F-1 OPT, and H4, among other available immigrant visas.

By now, you all should have understood the context of this book and what the rest of my article will revolve around!

For a more streamlined reading experience, I’ve divided this article into six distinct sections, which we’ll explore one by one:

  1. The Authors’ Hard Work
  2. On the Day of the Book Launch
  3. Reading Experience during a Trip from the West Coast to the East Coast
  4. Key Takeaways
  5. My Next Steps
  6. Advice to My Fellow Skilled Immigrants

1. Authors Hardwork :

Creating a book is much like setting off on a grand journey. Let me illustrate this with a simple and relatable story.

Imagine an aspiring hiker preparing for a journey up a tall, daunting mountain. The hiker is our author, the mountain is the book they’re aspiring to write, and the peak represents the book’s successful completion and launch.
Before beginning their trek, the hiker extensively researches the mountain, the best routes to take, potential pitfalls, and weather conditions — all these elements mirror the author’s need to understand their topic thoroughly, chart their narrative arc, anticipate reader questions, and determine the overall literary climate.
Next, the hiker prepares their gear, checks and rechecks it, just as an author painstakingly drafts and redrafts their manuscript, fine-tuning each sentence for maximum impact.
The hiker might partner with a seasoned guide, mirroring the author’s decision to collaborate with Sameer to navigate the mountain’s challenging terrains. The hiker and the author gain unique experiences and insights from their partner.
Much like the writing process, the journey up the mountain is demanding, often requiring the hiker to endure sleepless nights and make personal sacrifices, even as they enjoy the breathtaking views along the way.
As the hiker approaches the summit, they must rally their energy for the final push. Similarly, an author needs to gather resources for the final stages — editing, marketing, planning a book launch, and rallying a team of supporters.
At last, standing at the peak with their flag hoisted high, the hiker experiences immense satisfaction. Similarly, seeing their book in the hands of readers and hearing their feedback gives authors an unparalleled sense of accomplishment. The journey, filled with challenges, personal sacrifices, and hard work, is worthwhile for the joy of achieving their goal.
This is the journey that our authors undertook to create “Unshackled”. Through their dedication and commitment, they have created a guide that serves as a beacon for every skilled immigrant, just as the hiker’s flag inspires others to follow.

2. On the day of the book Launch:

Beautiful evening at the Bay Area and a golden bridge photo taken from mobile

It was an exciting day when my wife and I woke up early to take a flight from the East Coast to the West Coast. We were heading out to attend the book launch of “Unshackled,” a book written by my friend.
As soon as we landed, we could feel the buzz in the air. We made our way to the event and saw a crowd of people who had gathered there. Everyone was eager to celebrate the release of this important book.
When we finally met the authors, Soundarya and Sameer, we could see a glow of achievement in their eyes. It was a moment of triumph, a celebration of all the hard work they had put into writing this guide for skilled immigrants like us.
The applause as they stepped on stage was loud and filled with admiration. My wife and I were thrilled to be part of this celebration. The launch was not just about a book; it was a symbol of community, determination, and hope for many immigrants. We left the event feeling inspired and proud, knowing that this book would guide and support many people in their journeys.
The team behind this book:

3. Reading Experience during a Trip from the West Coast to the East Coast

On our return trip from the West Coast to the East Coast, both my wife and I dove into the book “Unshackled.” The narrative was so captivating that our six-hour flight felt like just six minutes. Time seemed to fly as we turned the pages. By the time we landed, we were halfway through the book and completed the most important pathway on which we sought guidance, and the rest of the book was completed within the week.

4. What are my takeaways?

To be frank, any attempt I make to detail the takeaways from this book may seem as though I’ve directly copied from the original text. This is a testament to the meticulous care the authors, Soundarya and Sameer, took while writing the book. They ensured that readers were provided with a comprehensive background for each key takeaway, clear guidance on navigating through the book, and real-life examples from immigrants who have benefited from these options.

The first part of this book reads almost like a political drama, narrating the behind-the-scenes events that took place in the White House regarding immigration reform. It dives into the concerted efforts made by lawmakers, successful initiatives such as the H4EAD, and the trials of trying to clear the green card backlog, among other things. I choose to keep the intricate details under wraps to ensure you experience the full impact while reading the book. Regardless of where you are in your immigration journey, this section is a must-read for all skilled immigrants.

The second part of the book delves into the myriad pathways for US immigration. This is the crux of the book, encompassing eight different visa routes, each of which can serve as a springboard for either employment or entrepreneurship. Every pathway is introduced with the story of an immigrant, detailing their unique journey, the challenges they faced, the triumphs they enjoyed, and the emotional rollercoaster they embarked upon.
These stories aren’t just informative — they are intimate narratives full of struggle and success, imbued with a sense of relatability. They paint vivid pictures of the immigrant experience, offering readers not only valuable insights but also inspiration.
Furthermore, each section is well-researched, with precise and practical information on how to navigate these pathways. This includes a detailed analysis of the pros and cons, along with what to expect at each stage of the process. This information is invaluable for any skilled immigrant, irrespective of where they are in their immigration journey.
In essence, the second part of the book serves as a comprehensive guide, woven through with compelling narratives that provide both information and inspiration. It highlights the realities of the immigration journey while offering practical advice and actionable steps for those hoping to make the US their home.

The third part of the book is a breath of fresh air for anyone who has been navigating the maze of US immigration, especially those of us who are feeling stuck in the process. It spotlighted the less traveled routes and encouraged us to explore these alternatives.
The EB1-A, EB1-B, and EB2-NIW categories are presented as feasible alternatives that can make a world of difference for skilled immigrants who meet the criteria. The authors expertly breakdown each category, discussing the eligibility requirements, the application process, and the potential benefits in a clear, easy-to-understand manner.
Furthermore, they highlight the importance of proactively understanding and assessing our eligibility against these criteria. The book nudges us to step out of our comfort zones, look beyond the conventional pathways, and take control of our immigration journey.
Notably, “Unshackled” also stresses the concept of perseverance in the face of an often frustrating and seemingly endless process. It emphasizes that patience, continuous learning, and adapting to the ever-changing immigration laws are crucial aspects of the journey.
The third part of “Unshackled” serves as a beacon of hope and a guide for those striving to make the US their permanent home. It urges us to keep an open mind, explore all potential options, and, most importantly, keep striving despite the challenges that come our way. It encourages us to remain “unshackled” in our pursuit of a better life in the US.

The fourth part of “Unshackled” takes us on a journey into the future, discussing what lies ahead for immigration and immigrants who dream of making the most of the opportunities in America.
In this section, the authors speculate on the trajectory of immigration policies and laws, considering current trends and potential future developments. They draw on their expertise and experience to offer educated insights, painting a picture of what the landscape of immigration might look like in the coming years.
But this section doesn’t just look forward; it also equips readers with the tools they need to prepare for that future. The authors outline a roadmap for pre-work, detailing the steps immigrants can take now to maximize their chances of success. This includes a range of considerations, from understanding potential changes in policy to enhancing skills and qualifications to align with future job market trends.
The future of immigration may be uncertain, but this part of the book seeks to provide readers with the knowledge and strategies to navigate it. It reaffirms the belief that the American dream is within reach for skilled immigrants with the proper preparation and mindset. The fourth part of “Unshackled” reinforces the notion that immigration is about surviving and thriving in the land of opportunity.

Framework :
Out of the 10 items listed below, we need to have at least three items with substantial supporting documentation.

5. What are my next steps?

“Following the enlightening journey through ‘Unshackled,’ my next steps are clear. Armed with a renewed sense of hope and a deeper understanding of the various pathways to US immigration, I am now poised to reevaluate my current status and chart out a more informed path forward.
Firstly, I plan to delve deeper into the EB1-A, EB1-B, and EB2-NIW categories, assessing my eligibility and identifying any gaps that need to be filled. I will consult with immigration experts and lawyers, if necessary, to gain a clearer perspective and determine the best possible pathway for my unique situation.
Secondly, I will engage in continuous learning about the ever-changing landscape of immigration law and policy. Staying updated is crucial in this unpredictable journey, and ‘Unshackled’ has underscored the importance of this aspect.
Finally, I will leverage my learnings from the book to better support and guide my fellow skilled immigrants. By sharing insights and disseminating the knowledge I’ve gained, I aim to contribute to our collective struggle towards a more secure future.
In conclusion, ‘Unshackled’ has set me on a path of proactive self-assessment, continuous learning, and community support, and I am eager to embark on this refreshed journey towards achieving my American Dream.”

With Author :

6. Advice to My Fellow Skilled Immigrants

I will end with my starting lines :

In the form of the book ‘Unshackled,’ Every skilled immigrant will have a new friend, a new family member, and a well-wisher to whom an individual can reach out for guidance. ( A warm welcome to your life is just one click away )

Thanks for Reading :

Note: All of the above information is my learnings from the book and through the source of internet, not considerable for legal opinions and consult with your legal team for specific advice



Vijay Chintha
GLOCAL Leadership Unleased

Platforms, Performance, Scalability, SRE, DevOps,Kubernetes, AWS, Big-Data are my strengths. Technical Management and Strategic Leadership where I am heading to