Who am I when seeking help from others? A Self Reflection

Vijay Chintha
GLOCAL Leadership Unleased
3 min readOct 22, 2023


In a world that often champions independence and self-reliance, seeking help can sometimes feel like a journey into uncharted territories. But as I navigate through the realms of vulnerability, I discover that there is strength in asking for help and wisdom in acknowledging what we don’t know.

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My journey begins with a realization that nobody has all the answers. We are all learners in a vast universe of knowledge, and every individual we cross paths with has something valuable to teach us. The moments I reach out for help are when I embrace the essence of community and human connection. It’s a humbling experience that reminds me of our collective interdependence.

However, seeking help is not always a straightforward endeavor. It requires a level of trust and openness, which can be daunting. It’s like standing at the edge of a precipice, where the fear of judgment battles with the promise of support and understanding. But with every step forward, I learn to let go of my ego, embrace the uncertainties, and value the diverse perspectives that others bring to my life.

Moreover, seeking help has taught me the importance of reciprocity. It’s not just about receiving; it’s about creating a cycle of giving and receiving that fosters a supportive and nurturing environment for everyone involved. The act of seeking help has transformed from a point of anxiety to a doorway towards deeper connections and personal growth.

In the professional sphere, seeking help has unveiled a new dimension of collaborative growth. The interactions with my colleagues, mentors, and subordinates have significantly enriched my problem-solving skills and broadened my perspective. It has fostered a culture of continuous learning and mutual respect among my peers. The collaborative efforts in tackling challenges have not only led to innovative solutions but also created a harmonious work environment that values the collective intelligence over individual prowess.

As I reflect on my experiences, I realize that seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but a courageous act of embracing the unknown, of fostering relationships, and of evolving into a more empathetic and understanding individual.

With time, I have come to cherish the bonds forged in the crucible of shared challenges. The camaraderie that blossoms when we navigate the turbulent waters of life together is irreplaceable. It’s through the lens of seeking and providing help that I have come to truly appreciate the intricacies of human relationships.

Furthermore, the vulnerability entailed in seeking help has been a profound teacher. It has unveiled to me the beauty of imperfection, the grace in acknowledging our limitations, and the potential for growth that lies in every act of reaching out.

The myriad experiences of seeking help have not only enriched my understanding but also significantly impacted my approach towards life and work. The humility, the empathy, and the resilience fostered through these interactions have become my guiding lights, both personally and professionally.

By : Vijay Chintha on who am i when seeking help from others

In conclusion, the act of seeking help is a profound exploration of self, a dance with vulnerability, and a celebration of human connection. It’s a poignant reminder that we are not islands, but interconnected beings thriving on the collective wisdom and support of each other. Through the prism of seeking help, I have glimpsed the core essence of humanity, and it’s a vision that inspires hope, nurtures compassion, and encourages a lifelong journey of learning and growing together, both as individuals and as professionals.



Vijay Chintha
GLOCAL Leadership Unleased

Platforms, Performance, Scalability, SRE, DevOps,Kubernetes, AWS, Big-Data are my strengths. Technical Management and Strategic Leadership where I am heading to