The Nomad Radar Story

Behsaad Ramez
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2019

The Social community app for digital nomads created by a Glolent Community Member

Nomad Radar — The social app for nomads

A lot of freelancers have flexible work schedules that allow them to work on side projects.

from is an early Glolent Community member and digital nomad for many years. With Nomad Radar he is solving challenges that nomads typically face when trying to find likeminded people and be part of a community of nomads.

Nomad Radar Map

The App allows you to connect with your nomad friends, track their next destination, attend community events and find attractive Coworking cafes near you.

If you are looking to start your own projects the handy skill-finder also allows you to find nomads with the right expertise in the fields you are looking for.

It is a well rounded App written in the Flutter Framework that allows a seamless user experience on Android and iOS devices.

We are also happy to announce that Nomad Radar is one of our first partners to use the Glolent API platform, hosted on, to integrate selected jobs into their app so that nomads can find high quality remote jobs through Nomad Radar.

Read more about the story behind Nomad Radar in this post:

Our Verdict: If you are a digital nomad or want to become one you should definitely give this free app a try!

Use one of the following links to download the App for your device

App Store links
App Impressions

