Rachel Charlton-Dailey
Glorious Birds
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2016


As the internet knows by now, I love to talk about my vagina. My periods are particular point of contention as they come whenever they fancy and ruin my life in the process. This month (it was actually a month as opposed to a fortnight or 48 days), I decided to chronicle what it was like for me to have my period. Each day of my period I kept notes in my medium drafts this is the result.

Day 1–Monday 15th August 2016

I’m 36 days into my cycle. My period tracker had been predicting my period for about 2 weeks now and trust me I’ve felt it. Intense cramps every day for a fortnight. On the phone to my friend when I got sharp pains, go to the toilet after and there’s blood. She totally brought my period on (thanks Sian)

  • 1.30 Bit of a headache, actually in an ok mood. Feel a bit nauseous
  • 3.15 Ouch ovaries.

I remember getting a bit emotional and sad last night about the prospect of never being able to naturally have kids, I’m still a bit emotional about it today.

  • 4.00 Hungry af.

I have to write, I’m on a deadline and sacked off plans with my cousin to write. Do not want to write. This is my first period without meat, its been nearly a month of that too. Not really craving it as much as I expected to.

  • 5.30 Ouch pain. Sickness
  • 6.40 Oh my god going to vom (I did not vomit)
  • 9.30 Ate a whole tub of ice cream. Cried at The Devil Wears Prada.

Day 2- Tuesday 16th August 2016

I’m just so tired today, I feel so depressed and fatigued. I slept for most of the day and bled heavily. Stupidly dropped my phone and it broke, its my lifeline. Feeling so stressed and anxious.

Day 3- Wednesday 17th August 2016

I had more energy, actually left the house but only cos I had to. I was aching after being out for 3 hours but got a phone replacement. Still a bit down but I’ve got more of an appetite. Still very easily agitated.

My GP surgery rang this morning, I’ve got an appointment to discuss Lupron with them next week. I wasn’t expecting them to have heard from Gynaecology yet, this is happening even sooner than I expected. Last week I was relieved at the prospect of a hysterectomy but now I’ve got mixed feelings.

Day 4- Thursday 18th August 2016

I’m going to the theatre today with my pal to see Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart. Weirdly anxious. I ate well today, stomach was dodgy for most of the day though. I felt hungry but easily bloated.

The show was amazing, we went to the pub after and I laughed a lot, felt happier and not much pain.

I got drunk very easily and slept well. Noticed my sex drive was quite high today, but that’s really not unusual for my period.

Day 5- Friday 19th August 2016

I’m a bit hungover today, but my period is nearing the end. Only very light bleeding and occasional cramp. I felt so much happier, like a dark cloud had lifted. I’m more motivated than had been all week and I ate well too.

Looking back at this now in the clear heady 5th day I can’t believe it was only 5 days ago. Periods do so much to our heads, I cant even remember what I was crying about or angry about.

I made a flippant statement on Twitter on Monday about this potentially being my last ever period, but that’s stuck with me all week. I honestly don’t know what’s going to happen to my body in the next few months, but I will be documenting all the highs and lows.

