Got Lent?


Lent is a period of penitential preparation for the Christian feast of Easter.

Catholics engage in the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These practices serve to deepen our connection with God, our awareness of Jesus’ sacrificial love, and to prepare our hearts and minds for the Paschal Mystery — the journey of Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection. Lent is an invitation to reflect, repent, and renew one’s commitment to living a life of faith, ultimately leading to the joyful celebration of Easter.

If you’re still looking for a simple but powerful penance for Lent, try saying the daily rosary using our app. Free downloads are available for both Apple and Android at

God Bless.



GloryBe: Prayer & Meditation App
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GloryBe is a new interactive Catholic prayer & meditation app with bible, bible chatGPT, rosary, daily mass readings, & meditations