Weekly Updates #1- !glory

Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2022

Gm Glorians,

As we are getting closer and closer to our Beta Launch, we would like to update our beloved community on things that we had been working on behind the scenes.

First thing first,

We have finally finished setting up For Glory’s Discord Server and will have it gradually opening in the coming weeks to welcome new users to our community. However, We are not planning on having the Server completely open until we have most things set up and made available to all. So, for now, keep an eye out for our Twitter feeds where limited discord invites would be given out.


Our WhitePaper will be made available to everyone once all polished and tidied up. We have spent countless hours crafting and refining our in-game mechanics to ensure that the game is most immersive and fun for our community. There are still many areas that need improvement but we want to open this opportunity up first for users to get a better understanding of our approach and vision.

One Last Thing,

We have also been working to polish our Web page, so it could be made available to you guys as soon as possible. Our goal is to aim for a complete webpage by the start of next week.

By having all these checked off our list, our focus will turn to refining and testing the gameplay interface. We hope to have everything up and running on the Testnet by the end of April but things might vary depending on the overall progress made by our technical team.

Again, it is great to have all of you amazing people on-board and remember.

To Spark in Glory, One must enter Chaos

- For Glory




Just Your Friendly Neighborhood HomeBoy