Let’s All Be Kind To Ourselves

Listen to your inner voice for a whole day and see what happens.

Katy Velvet
The Glossary
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2019


We seem to kick ourselves the most during periods of stress and turmoil — which is why it’s important to step back from time to time and try to do the harder thing: be kind to yourself.

Living with a compassionate attitude is a lifestyle. It’s another way of seeing, thinking, and feeling about yourself and the people around you. If you are a perfectionist and you are constantly criticizing yourself, your lack of confidence will take over things out of your control — such as your accomplishments, others’ approval of you, and the drive to achieve your long-term goals.

Have you ever thought to listen to your inner voice for a whole day?

When you spend a day becoming aware of all the unkind things you say about yourself, you’ll start to realize that these thoughts are not necessarily true. I constantly see people put themselves down everywhere — at work, at social gatherings, or even online. In fact, when I scroll through my newsfeed on social media, I see things like, “I am not as good as her.”

The truth is, you need to be as kind to yourself as you would to a good friend. It’s second-nature to compare ourselves with others who appear to be successful, but the truth is: even if you end up “catching up” to them — there is always going to be someone ahead of you, as long as you keep thinking that way.

Photo by Constantinos Panagopoulos on Unsplash

Avoid Being Overly Critical or Judgemental

Try to be understanding of yourself and recognize that everyone struggles at times. Reminding yourself that thought can help you stop blaming yourself when something doesn’t go your way.

When something “unpleasant” happens, do you leave time in between the moment you respond with critical thoughts?

Ask yourself this today: What do you find important? What gives you joy? Let others be an inspiration to you, rather than people you want to work against.

If want to start being kind to yourself, break the habit of self-criticism.

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Katy Velvet
The Glossary

Freelance writer with a lifetime of stories about mental health, gender inequality and an incurable obsession with cats.