Lipstick Is More Than a Symbol of Femininity

It’s a form of self-care

Bel Perez
The Glossary


Photo from the day Ruby Woo (with a touch of Russian Red underneath) became the most powerful self-care tool I ever used. Photo by Author.

Lipstick has as many meanings as women have worn it throughout history.

And not all of them are frivolous.

It’s true that in many eras and places it played a part in repression, shame or margination. It’s also been a symbol of sexualization and objectification of women. At the same time, something we have used as a weapon to achieve progress, empowerment and self-confidence.

Hell, it’s even been used to piss Hitler off!

As much as I love the fascinating stories behind lipstick, I’m not here today to talk about how it evolved over the ages. I could do that for months.

I want to talk about how it made me evolve and pick-up my pieces when I needed it.

How it helped me stay strong and become the confident woman I am today.

When I think of lipstick, I think of self-care.

I don’t even remember when was the first time I ever used lipstick.

It must have been when I was very young. I recall some vague memories of using my grandma’s bidet as a prop to reach her cosmetics cabinet.

I would then steal her lipstick and any other makeup and play with it in the bathroom until someone dragged…



Bel Perez
The Glossary

Game changer. Anti-fraud strategist. Fascinated by human behaviour. Challenges are just a matter of perspective. Find me on The Ascent, The Glossary & more.