Whenever I Need A Pick-Me-Up, I “Queer Eye” My Life

Here’s how I channel the power of the Fab 5

Flannery Maney
The Glossary


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

We’re going on month (I don’t even know) of this pandemic, and I’m currently living abroad, which means I have limited clothes and all of my possessions are stuffed away in a storage unit on La Cienega.

During my workouts, I put on something low-key, like Netflix’s Queer Eye, the Emmy winning “life makeover” show where five fabulous queer people educate humans all over the globe about grooming, style, food, culture, and their home space.

If you haven’t watched it, do yourself a favor and check it out — it’s just uplifting enough without being *so* cheesy. It’s the perfect palette cleanser after reading the news, hunny!

When I’m feeling down, I flick on Queer Eye and take their suggestions to heart and learn new things. This show reminds me that IT’S OKAY to focus on improving myself and my mental and physical health. In fact, it’s crucial!


Jonathan Van Ness is my spirit animal. He attends to every client with care and creativity, and from a recent episode, I learned I was using a shampoo that was much too harsh on my hair!

JVN mentioned that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate are both stripping, especially…



Flannery Maney
The Glossary

History/Life/Travel. Featured on The Ascent & Curious. From Ohio, but currently call LA, London, & Italy home. Love histories, crime dramas, and kids animation!