A Month in Memoriam: Day 22

Randi Gloss
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2019
The And Counting Collection: Vol. III | Flat Grey | SS15 | Photo by Othello Banaci for GLOSSRAGS

I was worried about not having anything “profound” to share with you all yesterday.

Nothing I wrote in the past three weeks was contrived. I didn’t sit around pondering how to pluck your heartstrings or arrest your attention — I just wrote how I felt, when I felt it.

That’s why I hesitated.

Monday wasn’t earth-shattering, heart-breaking or jaw-clenching. There were no memories that resurfaced about the annals of GLOSSRAGS or crept up from the depths of my heart.

I woke up, tackled emails and projects, ran errands for a few hours then rushed home to fix dinner for my friends who are visiting from out of town.

At Target, I ran into a high school classmate that I hadn’t seen for a few years. She said she’d been keeping up with GLOSSRAGS on Instagram which I thought was pretty cool.

It took my mind back to a moment during college when I had a friend tell me kept up with my blog, A Token in Topeka, that I wrote while interning at a local news station in Topeka for three months. I was flattered and a bit surprised.

People actually read what I wrote?

I find myself sometimes suprised in that regard with this series too.

Y’all really do read, huh?

For real, for real — thank you.



Randi Gloss

@GLOSSRAGS Founder | Writer | Creator | Connector | Entrepreneur | Activist | | www.glossrags.com