When we ask this of wool, we get this from wool

Life magazine • September 18, 1964

The Glossy Archives
Glossy Archives
2 min readNov 5, 2015


What year was it, in Mad Men, when the writers started doing drugs in the office? Based on this ad for wool, it had to have been 1964 or earlier.

Another scenario: A disgruntled copywriter and art director at Trabuio, Jerrell & Fisher were given the Wool Bureau account after the Philco Color TV account went to a rival team.

As a joke to make themselves feel better, they adorned a completely ludicrous poem-ad with a photo of a woman wearing a red, wool skirt suit standing in southern Utah. Their account guy sent it to the Life ad department by mistake, and then — holy shit!— it wound up in the magazine. Shit!

Or it was just drugs.

Either way, the copy in all its glory:

Since the beginning of time … wool. Wool, the companion.

Faithful Wool.
It was wool that cooled the desert.
Wool that warmed the mountain.
Wool that protected the path across
the ocean and the plains.
Faithful Wool.
Would mankind have survived without it?
Wool, the protector.
Wool, the comforter.
Wool, the companion.
Certainly the comfort of an ancient
cloak is ancestor to the permanent
pleats that animate the suit.
Permanently pleated wool?
A wonderful new worryless joy of
wearing wool. Permanent pleats for
this practical year. When we ask
this of wool, we get this from wool.
It’s as simple as that. Never once in
all these years has wool failed us.
Never once. In the year nothing, when
man appeared, the flock was waiting.

Wool was not invented, it was created … just for you

The Wool Bureau, Inc., 360 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y.



The Glossy Archives
Glossy Archives

Let’s make fun of our grandparents by leafing through their magazines