Home for the holidays

Gloucester County Animal Shelter reminds the public holiday deadline for picking up adopted pets is Dec. 22

Kristen Dowd
Gloucester County Living
3 min readDec 17, 2016


The Gloucester County Animal Shelter reminds families that the last day for picking up adopted pets before Christmas is Thursday, Dec. 22. Regular pet adoption pick up will resume on Dec. 27.

“The holidays are a perfect time to adopt an animal and choosing your pet early will be less stressful for the animal while they transition into their new home during a hectic time of the year,” Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger said.

“The holiday season is a time for family and togetherness,” Freeholder Dan Christy, liaison to the Gloucester County Animal Shelter, added. “What better way to celebrate than by adopting your forever friend.”

“There may be more noise, food and guests in our homes then usual during the holiday season so we ask families to take precautions for their pets safety while entertaining and celebrating,” Freeholder Dan Christy said.

The Gloucester County Animal Shelter offers the following Pet Safety Tips for the Holidays:

Christmas trees and plants
If possible train your dog to stay away from the Christmas tree. Dogs can break ornaments and get cut or swallow the small pieces. Do not use tinsel as cats will try to eat it and can choke. Mistletoe, Holly and Poinsettia plants are popular and colorful this time of year but are very poisonous! Keep plants out of reach of pets, especially those pets that like to chew.

House guests
People traffic in the home increases dramatically at this time and can raise the stress levels not only in you but also in your pet. An animal’s stress may result in flight or fight instincts. Stressed-out dogs have been known to bite guests or bolt through open doors to escape the noise and confusion. You may not know your pet is missing until many hours and miles later. Some people don’t like to have animals around at gatherings so keeping your pet out of sight may be the best thing for you, your pet and your guests.

Animals can get ill drinking and eating rich foods which are different from their usual diet. Chocolate is toxic even in small amounts. Under no conditions should guests give your dog or cat alcohol because they think “it is cute”. Be firm with guests not to slip your dog or cat treats. Turkey meat is not easily digestible and turkey bones are dangerous!

Winter weather
Winter poses special risks to pets. Keep indoor pets in a dry, warm area free of drafts. Outdoor animals should have a dry, insulated pet house that is out of the wind. Always keep fresh water available. Salt and chemicals used to melt snow and ice can burn the pads of animals’ feet. Use cat litter or similar absorbent on icy patches. Warm engines in parked cars attract cats. To avoid injury, bang on car hoods to scare them away before starting engines.

Business hours at the Gloucester County Animal Shelter, 1200 N. Delsea Drive, Clayton, are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Adoption hours are Mondays and Fridays from noon to 4 p.m. and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, noon to 7 p.m. (4 p.m. on Christmas Eve). The shelter is open on Saturdays from noon to 4 p.m. for looking at the animals available for adoption, but adoptions cannot be processed on Saturdays. The shelter is closed on Sunday. You can reach the shelter by calling (856) 881–2828 and learn more online at www.co.gloucester.nj.us/depts/a/shelter/default.asp.

