Meaningful web service /health checks

Lorenzo Arribas
The Glovo Tech Blog
6 min readOct 3, 2019


About 10 years ago, I deployed my first web service. It was a nice, silly PHP application to store game cheat sheets. Interestingly, what made me really proud about it was the fact that I was able to release new versions with a single command, with a weird mix of git hooks and rsync-powered bash scripts.

When I think about the massive transformation that our field has undergone in the last few years in terms of continuous delivery and service orchestration, I always come back to that memory, and I can’t help laughing a bit.

Cloud platforms such as AWS, Heroku, Azure or Kubernetes have enabled us to use deployment strategies, such as canary releases, staged rollouts, or blue-green deployments, regardless of whether we’re deploying a side project or a critical enterprise service.

All of these strategies have but one goal: to minimise client-facing downtime. Which brings me to an important (yet somehow easily forgotten) topic: Health checks.

A health check is a way for a service to report whether it’s running properly or not. Web services usually expose this via a /health HTTP endpoint. Then orchestration components, such as load balancers or service discovery systems, poll that endpoint to monitor the health of a fleet of services and make some key decisions, such as:



Lorenzo Arribas
The Glovo Tech Blog

Staff Software Engineer at Glovo. I specialize in event-driven architectures and Machine Learning Operations. My website is