Our tech talks are back!

Glovo Engineering
The Glovo Tech Blog
1 min readMar 29, 2022

Last Tuesday we hosted our first Tech Talk of 2022, where we had the chance to share our learnings on the tech field, connect and network with the public.
The topic covered was Modern Android at Glovo: what we learned introducing Jetpack Compose and Hilt in our apps.

Compose is a UI declarative framework that enables you to build complex UI with little effort. Let’s look together at its APIs and the basic notions you must know before starting using it in your app.

Why Hilt? We already had Dagger, did we really need another dependency injection library? In this talk, we will try answering these questions by starting from what Hilt promises and then diving into how it works.

Angelo Marchesin, Software Engineer at Glovo: Jetpack Compose, from zero to hero
Gianmarco David, Software Engineer at Glovo: Hilt, why and how
Networking: Snacks and drinks

Who joined us in the session had the chance to learn and network with Glovo Tech experts and enjoy some pizza and drinks in our Barcelona office!
You missed it? No worries, we have recorded the session: https://lnkd.in/e6gzYZuX

There is a lot more to come, join our Meetup page to keep posted about our next events https://www.meetup.com/glovo-tech-talks/

