Arundathi Kaikini
GLOW Heartfulness Webinars
3 min readJan 12, 2021


GLOW Heartfulness Webinar: Gratitude, Compassion, and Purpose

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” — John F. Kennedy

When my son was young, he shared this prayer with me from his school.

This prayer is so meaningful, that it expresses gratitude to God and Nature, from where we receive unconditionally.

When we develop gratitude, the outcome is an attitude of compassion for our fellow human beings. During lockdown in pandemic time, we saw that many migrants were suffering without food and had also lost their jobs. They were struggling to return to their hometown. They were paid half of their salaries and some of the educated class also lost their jobs. So many people died due to COVID-19 and there were suicide cases too. I felt that now it was the time for some compassion and giving. The one thing in my capacity was to pay the full salaries of those employed with me and we paid our domestic helpers in full. That is the least we could do as way of compassion.

Once I met a visually impaired man in Mahabaleshwar who made candles for a living. Nowadays he runs a Candle Workshop and has given employment opportunities to other visually challenged people. He was not born visually challenged and his eyesight underwent ‘retinal macular degeneration’ and lost his eyesight permanently in his late 30s. One thing that he said still lingers — ‘I am lucky that I could see the world around before I lost my eyesight.’

Practicing forgiveness enables me to remove all my past baggage and my resentment towards people who cause me harm. Life is short and after forgiving people, it gave an immense sense of healing power in me and felt a lot lighter and a sense of happiness was there with a relaxed mind and peace within.

When I experience gratitude,
my heart feels open.
It is a feeling of abundance and sufficiency.
This is all I need.

The above quote is by Donna Cameron in her article in

I think there is a lot more to learn in this matter, it is always never enough, and life is a learning process. I invite you to the GLOW Heartfulness webinar

‘Create a Happier Life by Practicing Gratitude, Compassion and Purpose’ on 23rd January 2021, 7 PM IST/8:30 AM ET/1:30 PM London Time by Stacey Thompson, CC, Life Coach and Founder of

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