Ready, Set, Glow ✨

Get your sunglasses out. We’ve launched!

Analía Ibargoyen
4 min readSep 17, 2019


We’re Glow, a Product Design Studio.

Can’t wait to see our website? Visit us at

Hello Glow 👋 What’s up?

Hey friends! We started Glow to help teams shine.

The teams we most admire seem to radiate great design, and have a passion for their audience — we help teams and products bring out the magic they already have, adding a bit of sparkle and lots of design love along the way.

What’s special about Glow?

Glow was co-founded by a pair of experienced product design leads.

We love a cup of Philz coffee as much as we love our cronuts. Imagine pairing those together — swoon. Having spent almost a decade in Silicon Valley startups and later working at NYC based consultancies, we’ve had the privilege of working with many teams and learning how design can best support and propel the product development process. We’ve helped teams grow toward successful acquisitions, and helped others build and scale beautiful experiences that delight millions of users and sustain successful businesses.

What kind of design does Glow do?

Our bread and butter is Product Design, UI & UX.

We’re end-to-end designers, and we love every part of the journey. We start by helping teams set a solid foundation for design: understanding the product vision, your audience, competitive landscape, and long-term product strategy. We can then help define strategic features before swiftly diving into designing screens, flows, interactions, creating prototypes and crafting design systems. Another fun and important part of this process? We can help you create a digital brand, or adapt an existing brand to seamlessly translate and scale within digital products.

When it comes down to it, we love design, tech, and partnering with amazing teams to create software and hardware products— from native mobile and web apps to wearables and beyond.

Interesting… so, who are you?

Glow was co-founded by Danny Salvatori and Analía Ibargoyen.

We both started our careers in engineering before finding (and falling in love with) design. Design allows us to shift to a very human-focused and creative way of solving complex problems while still exploring and pushing technology. We’ve since helped create and launch many beloved and widely used products, designing for brands like Fitbit (now Google), WeWork, Shazam (now Apple), Remind, Luxe (now Volvo), Copa Airlines, T.J.Maxx and more. Curious to hear more? Take a deep dive into our backgrounds here.

What projects is Glow ideal for?

We’re not your typical agency. We won’t bring an army of designers.

We’re small, and we’re mighty. We’ll act as your in-house design partner and leadership team. We’re ideally suited to help bootstrap design at startups, and help larger teams working on ambiguous, challenging projects.

Aren’t you intimidated by ambiguity?

Ambiguity is like… the delicious gooey center of a wicked problem puff pastry.

That’s where all the magic, creativity, and innovation happens. It gets us excited (and hungry!) to create elegant design solutions that turn into positive impact for you and your audience. Check out our work to see examples of how we’ve done this in the past, or connect with us so we can chat about how we might help your team.

And then what happens?

Well, that depends on your needs.

We can partner with your team long-term, but if your company is growing and ready to bring design in-house, we can also help you hire designers and researchers while establishing best practices that create a strong design culture. A mature team will champion your brand and product into the future.


We think so!

We’re extremely excited to bring Glow to light, collaborate with teams like yours, and make amazing things happen for your product and business.

Ready to Glow? Let’s Work Together!

Glow was co-founded by Danny Salvatori and Analía Ibargoyen.

Learn more about our work here or reach out to us



Analía Ibargoyen

Design Consultant & Co-Founder @ Glow. Previously at Fitbit, Shazam & Intel.