Submission guidelines

Things to consider while submitting to GLUB MAG

Jodi Hewitt
1 min readJan 23, 2024


I. You can submit up to three poems. However, please take the quality over quantity mantra into consideration.

II. Any form of poetry is allowed as long as it falls under the category of speculative. With that said, don’t feel like your piece has strict limitations. Poetry does not fit into a neat box.

III. Ensure single poems are no longer than sixty lines.

IV. I will aim to respond within two weeks. As the sole editor, this will change if the publication grows.

V. Email with a draft and link to your Medium profile. If your work is a good fit I will add you as a writer.

Most of all, have fun writing!

You have stumbled upon GLUB MAG.

An online publication for speculative poetry. Don’t be afraid to take a surreal approach to your work. The weirder, the better.

Perfect for debut writers looking for experience.

However, if you’re experienced don’t let that stop you from joining the fun.

Have a piece tucked away somewhere you can’t find a home for? Submit here.

[quote taken from about page]

*Guidelines last updated: 25 Jan

