AI Override

Look what I found!

Connor Fetzer
Glued to the Screen
4 min readOct 5, 2020


Reflecting back upon my goals for my research, I wanted to discover the reasons why people are so easily convinced towards advancements in technology. After investigating some of the articles from my colleagues, one interesting topic came into mind: Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is the smarts and wits of machinery that override our human/natural intelligence. The idea that technology can handle the stress and struggle in overcoming problems while being able to perform at a higher level spells wonders for the business world to take advantage of.

Colleague Assistance

One of my colleagues stated in his article, “For example, there are talks about how this technology may start to be used as an assistant for checkups in the healthcare system. Tasks like this would save companies a lot of money because a robot will be in place of a worker that was being paid” (Bluementhal, 2020).

The author, Harris Bluementhal, discussed in his article (“How Will Artificial Intelligence Change The World?”) about the benefits of his topic (Artificial Intelligence). He states an example of robots replacing people in healthcare systems, as it shows how AI would save money, be more efficient, and make things a lot easier in any work profession in general.

When it comes to applying the AI concept to the future, it happens to be a wise investment for the business professionals. First off, in general, people want to cut back the workload when necessary and increase their efficiency. In the past, human beings have made careless, costly mistakes so it makes sense that we are looking away from the past and looking for new solutions in the future. So looking at AI to take the place of previous roles held by people will smoothen out the wrinkles in daily activities.

Now looking at the business aspect, we are saving money by not having to pay people to hold these job roles. Not only that but we are also making a bigger profit as our partners/clients will want to invest more of their resources to those who don’t make mistakes and those who know exactly what to do to appropriately accommodate others.

We can apply AI by slowly experimenting jobs and functions with machinery and robotics. Until we get consistent, functional AI systems, we let the actual people keep those jobs and when they are replaced, their jobs are taken and new ones open up to ensure that the AI replacements stay functional.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Now there are some drawbacks and cautions that are necessary as stated from Blumenthal, “There are still lots of questions surrounding Artificial Intelligence because of how new it is. Also there are lots of new features that are still being acquired. AI requires a lot of skill within the world of technology” (2020).

AI is still relatively new and if they are programmed by humans it is still possible that they make errors. They are also quite expensive and risky to put into the real world with how much sacrificing is necessary with the cutback of wages.

In the end though, AI is vital for the business world and for the rest of the world to learn and practice. Our desires are to make life easier and better, as practicing this idea is inevitable with our goals. There will always be room for error, but with work and effort, the mistakes can be minimized.

Reflecting on my Findings on AI

I found a lot of great information about AI for it being a reason that we are so drawn to technology. It simplifies our complex, messy natural behaviors and relates to our desires to improve ourselves for a more convenient lifestyle.

In the eyes of a business person, we have to do the best we can to be efficient and consistent and AI will help us with that goal as it will create large revenue and good reputation.

Works Cited:

Bluementhal, H. (2020, September 30). How Will Artificial Intelligence Change The World? Retrieved from:



Connor Fetzer
Glued to the Screen

I am a current student at the University at Buffalo and I am majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Statistics.