The Gluu Team

Su Ming Low
5 min readJul 30, 2018


Meet the founders, advisors and team members


LIN SHU FEN, Co-founder


Shu Fen runs the Gluu business from business and growth management, brand and marketing to corporate services and talent management. She drives and manages the business modelling, the growth trajectory of Gluu to achieve its set targets and milestones.

She brings with her 20 years of experience in marketing, product development as well as P/L management in the technology and media space.

Her previous role was VP/Head, running StarHub’s Media and Broadband P/L and revenue worth ~$600m between 2013 to 2016. During her tenure, she created Asia’s first operator OTT service and piloted the IoT initiative — Smart Home service for the consumer segments. Amidst a challenging Pay TV market, she turned the media business to revenue growth.

In 2017, she developed and launched the media and event platform, Festival of Disruptors and Ten4Ten, a start-up innovation initiative with the support of IMDA, GovTech, NUS Enterprise & Design Council.

STEPHEN LEE, Co-founder


Stephen looks after the technology stacks, and roadmap that supports the execution of the Gluu vision and business. He will also spearhead the Gluu Data Cloud services to deliver effective data insights to support marketing services for our partners and customers.

Stephen spent 15 years in the Digital Services industry and has donned the hat of product development for the last 20 years. His previous role was Head of StarHub’s Innovation, Investment and Incubation arm (i3) which was focused on developing and launching new innovations in technology, growth hacking and business model disruptions.

During his tenure, he led the launch of SmartHub (StarHub’s BIG Data Program) and was also responsible for spearheading innovation programs within the company. He also mentored start-ups by way of conceptual design thinking and creative modelling.

Strategic Advisory Board

ALEXANDER RUSLI — CEO of Digiasia Bios, Board Member of PT Unilever & Chairman of iFlix Indonesia

Gluu’s core is anchored on the sharing economy, with a use case to leverage decentralisation of access to make connectivity easily accessible no matter where you are. At the basic level, it will bring about cost savings and an exponentially improved user experience. Importantly, the opportunities to be gleaned of a global connected network of users is IMMENSE.

I have been with Gluu from day one and I am also delighted to be on the Advisory Board to work with the team on their expansion plans in the SE Asian region, especially into the Indonesian market.”

MASAHIKO YABUKI — CEO, MYNZ Co. Ltd and previously SVP, Strategic Business Development, Global Group, CEO’s Office at SoftBank Corp

“The full power of connectivity that unlocks economic value is yet to be tapped. Gluu’s solution is the answer and is set to redefine the way people connect. The Gluu marketplace is an open economy where connectivity is supplied and consumed by the community. In turn, the data generated offers extensive value and opportunities for Gluu to work with brands and partners to transform businesses and impact society.

The more I engage with the team, the more excited I am to be on board as an advisor and I look forward to working with the team to introduce Gluu to markets such as Japan, which will be a boon to locals and travellers alike.”

Supporting Advisors


“Connectivity is as essential as water and electricity. I believe Gluu’s innovation and team power will lead the disruption for the connectivity space and their business model has applications in both connectivity as well as FinTech.”

HOWIE LAU — Chief Industry Development Officer, Infocomm Media Development Authority

“Connectivity has become a necessity and Gluu brings an innovative platform for connectivity which creates value to the community, brands and operators. The team has tremendous experience to make this a great success.”

MANDAR THAKUR — COO, Times Music, a division of the Times India Group
ROB GILBY — Strategic Advisor, Vuulr & previously MD of Walt Disney Company SEA
DANIEL TUMIWA — Chief ADSvokator, ADSvokat

Gluu’s business model will increase the supply for mobile data, therefore bringing benefits in terms of user experience and pricing. It will also strengthen infrastructure support for digitisation in underpenetrated regions.”

BRYAN TAN — Partner, Pinsent Masons

“I have advised Gluu from a legal and regulatory viewpoint since inception because I believe they are onto something groundbreaking in the arena they are disrupting. I am glad to see the traction Gluu has gained with partners, and excited to support them in their journey.”

HIROAKI KOYABASHI — Seasoned Investor & previously Managing Director of NTT Investment Partners

“I see a lot of potential with Gluu and how this can be applied to the data market in Japan for both tourists and locals. As the lifestyle of people becomes more digitised, affordable and ubiquitous connectivity becomes key. Gluu’s mission is to build exactly that, a peer-to-peer data sharing network.”

Team Members

RAHUL SHARMA — Senior Developer

Rahul has more than five years of experience working on various mobile projects with the Government of India and large private firms in India such as TATA Group and Mahindra Group. He is also an active member of the StackOverflow community and has been ranked as one of the top 20% of contributors.

NIKHIL JAIN — Mobile Developer

Nikhil has two years of experience in mobile as well as backend development and is passionate about learning and working on new technologies. He helps in up-skilling people on different tech stack at BridgeLabz Solutions, Bangalore.

WANJEMY JAYA — Mobile Developer

Wanjemy began his career as an IT educator for Microsoft and Adobe courses. Prior to joining Gluu, he worked as an Android developer for property marketplace apps. He is also skilled in troubleshooting software and hardware issues and upgrading of company IT infrastructures.

BENJAMIN PHANG — Data Engineer

Benjamin was first exposed to programming and computational methods in his computational physics module at the National University of Singapore. During his subsequent internship at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, he saw firsthand how important coding was towards the furthering of the sciences and has sought to grow in that direction ever since.

