What Friends mean to me!

Akshyata Ray
Tales of Friendship
3 min readJan 8, 2017

‘Friendship’ according to Oxford dictionary is defined as ‘the feeling or relationship that friends have’; I wished these seven words could justify the depth and underlying intensity of this word. Every person treading on this planet has a special meaning of this word in his or her life. I think it is one of the most underrated relationships. In a world where thanks to westernization and modernization and our utter dependence on technology for leading lives, our every relation, be it between spouse or family or any other ties, it’s dimensions have changed drastically, but friendship is one relationship which has remained unadulterated through the passage of time. I see it as the most honest relation, be it shared between humans or between any animal or between a human and an animal. Admit it, especially in a country like India where we have to follow certain norms and put a facade to move ahead in harmony, no matter how much we portray ourselves to be blatant, the truth is we have to give up certain parts of our true self in every relation. We keep shut in front of elders when see the discussion not heading anywhere, giving up our true perspectives, we ignore the follies of our beloved just to keep our relation going, giving up our true feelings, we sacrifice that last piece of cake just to bring a smile on the face of our siblings, thus giving up our desire, but friendship is one relation where you can be real you- you don’t have to follow any norms, don’t need to pretend to follow any ideology, don’t need to give in, no need to sacrifice that last bit of cake… and the best part, your friends won’t judge you ever or won’t give up on you or won’t be disappointed by you.

As a teen I had always been a rebel and during those moments in my life, like every teen I used to consider my parents my enemy. I consider myself fortunate that in those building years of my life, I had a best friend, named Jyoti, who was there as the backbone of my life. She was there beside me in my highs and lows and she being the only reason I made it through it easily. She was there as my mother, father, sibling, confidante, taking up every role as required and pondering upon it, it makes me realise every role she adopted was quite apt. Right now, I am in college and still coping up with the roller coaster of life; I am again blessed with two amazing friends, Anam and Nonita, courtesy to them, I am coping up with ravines of my life. Everyone has different philosophies and perspectives and we are no one to judge the other person’s perception or to change it, similarly every one has a different say on the word ‘friendship’; but for me it is a very important word in my life, absence of which had surely resulted in tremendous turbulence and disturbances in my life.

