
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2022

As we head into the new year, we have much to look forward to as a community, but our most pressing concern is to transition away from our original tokens on the rarible platform onto our own smart contract.

That time has finally come, as so we’ve put together a quick guide on how to migrate your v1 token onto the new contract & what to expect thereafter.

Why migrate?

The primary reason for our desire to move to a new contract is ownership & control. By deploying our own contract we will have the ability to do things such as adjusting secondary sale royalties across all platforms, but we will also be immune to changes in market participants such as Opensea or Rarible, who may not be around forever. We need to plan for the future.


Each V2 token has been given a unique design created by Rich Poole using a generative algorithm that was originally intended for a stand-alone launch! We can’t thank Rich enough for painstakingly putting together over 900 tokens & verifying the quality of each one.

While we’ve chosen to omit metadata traits (the gm. token is ultimately a governance token first and foremost) some visual elements are rarer than others, so don’t forget to share what you get on the discord and tag us on Twitter if you get something really special.

Rarible tokens vs V2 tokens


Upon landing on the gmdao website, you will be able to navigate to the “migrate” page as shown below.

While you’re there, please feel free to look around what will soon become the DAO’s home. For the time being we’ve put together what’s necessary for migration purposes*, but we’ll be adding sections to the website as & when ready, so remember to check back regularly.

*Please note that due to time constraints accessibility options have not yet been added. If you have accessibility needs then please ask for help in the discord.

Migration link on

Note: Metamask is recommended for this process

The migration is a two step process. This means that you will need to do 2 transactions. We have attempted to minimize gas where possible in order to offset this requirement.

  1. First, you must transfer your existing token to the new contract (contract addresses can be found below). The contract will record the transfer and credit your wallet address with the ability to mint a new token.
  2. You are then free to mint a new token at any time whilst the migration is ongoing.

You must complete both steps to complete the migration and retain access to the DAO (we will be granting a grace period of 2 weeks from when the migration goes live to migrate your new token).

Migration process

If you have any difficulties migrating your token please contact us via the discord in #migration-support or email



contract address:

Opensea link:

