Deus Ludens

Where is God when you don’t remember his name?

Gioacchino Difazio


A purple eruption from an empty circle. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1966. Wellcome collection

Now I can’t remember the name of the Old Testament God.

On the screen of my memory, indecipherable letters tangle in a cautious dance.

Then the name Allah resounds repeatedly.

Or maybe was Buddha the name I heard.

The old God, indignant, must have abandoned me because of my sins.

Or he is just taking a break from his continuous creation.

In a tangle of lines, flashes and veins I now distinguish a “g” and a capital “D”, but just as I try to decipher them, these signs vanish.

Yes, he’s blanky taking a break.

Now I see four letters, white on a black granite background: YAVE.

Something is still missing; God hides behind an “h” or two. Like a puzzled schoolboy, I’m not sure where to put them.


While I wait, the divinity who denied me the revelation of his name continues to amuse himself

for a small infinite time

among the curves of those “h” suspended in the emptiness of my memory.

