Update: A native Activity Feed is now available on your Kanban Boards

Naya Tsoukala
Gmelius Blog #1 CRM
3 min readMay 31, 2018

A true collaboration & process efficiency enhancer at your fingertips.

Establishing a stable workflow is the key to building successful and productive teams. A stable workflow will help your small team deliver faster to market and bring greater value to your customers and organization in general.

To achieve a steady workflow, you need, among the rest of the million things you need to do on a daily basis, to remain apprised of yours and your team’s performance and be able to pull data on said performance at all times. Usually, it costs significant time and effort to gather it.

Gmelius simplifies this process by providing an insightful activity report inside your Gmelius Boards.

Added function on your Gmelius Boards: A complete Activity feed right inside your boards, for your perusal at any time.

This way your Boards’ dedicated Activity Feed can confidently act both a team-productivity and process efficiency enhancer. It will allow you to track the performance of your team across projects and processes and further help you identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks for you to measure the success rate of your workflow and improve it accordingly.

In a nutshell, without any extra plug-ins, you get activity tracking data for all account card related actions, movements, and boards in Gmelius.

All actions are presented in a color-coded way for a quicker understanding of the activity overview, and depict:
1. Creation: when a new task card is created or a subtask on a card is created by the board’s owner or a collaborator.
2. Completion: when a task card is marked as complete by the board’s owner or a collaborator.
3. Movement: when a card is moved from one lane (column) to another by the board’s owner or a collaborator.
4. In Task-Card Updates: when a due date or the card subject is updated by the board’s owner or a collaborator.

To access it just click on the bell icon in the top right corner of your Boards interface.

Quick Access: Click on the bell icon located at the right top corner and get the scoop on all actions related to your board’s activity at any-time.

You can moreover easily spot new actions, that took place, on a shared board of your ownership by a collaborator when the bell indicator turns red. The number of said new actions is further designated next to the icon.

Red Bell Indicator: A collaboration tracker at your fingertips to help you stay on top of your project’s progress.

Have you been sharing Gmelius Boards with your team? If you haven’t, you could be tracking your projects collaboratively in a very intuitive and easy way. Using your Kanban Activity Feed could moreover prove instrumental in helping you understand how your team is performing and where they need to improve.

Have any questions or want to learn more; give us a holler at gmelius.com

