Meet the team: Payam

Yelena Baatard
Gmelius Blog #1 CRM
2 min readApr 2, 2017

Payam Bahrami, Developer & Customer Success

Just an easy-going person who loves to laugh and smile. One of the voices behind our customer support.

Tell us about you and why you do what you do?

I was born in London, but then my parents decided to move to Switzerland (pretty sure it was for the chocolate).
At Gmelius, I am the person who handles most of the support. When I have some time, I put on my developer cap and code in JS. Before joining the team, I was lucky to work in various IT sectors, which allowed me to gain a solid experience in customer relations and problem solving .

During my spare time, I love to learn about new technologies, watch tv-shows/anime or hang out with my friends.

Your favourite tech thing?

The “power case” I just ordered for my phone. Getting a full charge back just from a case allows me to be “connected” a few more hours each day. I get pretty nervous if I can’t check my emails often.

Your favourite startup/crowdfunding project?

Qoqa [a Swiss website which advertises a deal per day]since they had their own version of the advent calendar, including a New-York trip (which all of us tried to win at Gmelius… without much success). I like checking in to look for deals or special offers and keep an eye out for upcoming trips, you never know.

The email hack, tip or feature you use the most?

Keyboard Shortcuts, when you start working at Gmelius some of the Power User knowledge ends up rubbing off on you. The shortcuts let me be much more efficient and quick. Cmd-enter (ctrl-enter in you are on pc) is a quick way to send an email or Shift-r opens up a new window for you to type your message in when you are on a conversation thread.

Your favorite Gmelius feature?

I love working with templates, it allows me to be more efficient and productive, saving me a lot of time when I send emails. I share them with my colleagues to be sure to always include information about the latest updates of the product.

This is why the possibility of sharing them has quickly become essential for my work. Today, it would be very hard for me to give up this functionality.

Your pop figurine and why?

Alan & Carlos from the movie “the Hangover”.
The first time I saw this figurine, I was laughing so hard I had no other choice but to get it.

What you are most known for in the office?

Unfortunately, my addiction to coffee! No seriously, I have to limit myself to 5 a day but less than 3 and I don’t really feel like myself anymore.



Yelena Baatard
Gmelius Blog #1 CRM

Head of marketing @GmeliusTM. Searching and sharing the best tips about emails | productivity | marketing & sales