Meet the team: Raphaël

Yelena Baatard
Gmelius Blog #1 CRM
3 min readApr 5, 2017

Raphaël Bischof, Chief Technology Officer

Updating the app that you must use, adding some cool features to it, specialized in the mobile app that you will be using.

Tell us about you and why you do what you do?
Fascinated by all tech things since I was born, I always wanted to see what was behind all of this, like a magician. From Switzerland originally, I studied in France and became, soon after that, a teacher in my post-graduate school. Keeping in touch with the professional side, I also worked in parallel for a company in France as a full stack developer. I then returned to Switzerland to work in the startup world. Coming from a mobile developer background, I started to work on iOS and Android. As I love to see the whole picture and get a sense of everything that happens, I started my work here at Gmelius has a Swiss army knife touching on every development projects, which lead my move to CTO.

During my free time, I really appreciate to discover some new landscapes, that’s why I run or ride my motorbike. If it’s rainy, I like to play some piano or read some books with a hot chocolate.

Your favourite tech thing (website, app gadget)?
From a professional point of view, I would say that the most beautiful tech thing that I have had in hands are Android devices. Why is that?
I really appreciate when mobile os are open sourced, well designed and user-friendly. I love working on it, and I also love to use it. On the personal side, I would say that I really appreciate the Raspberry Pi tech, with these small devices, you can easily do a bunch of things. As I like to create some domotic solutions for my own house, these small computers help me give shape to my thoughts.

Your favourite startup/crowdfunding project?
The kind of crowdfunding projects that I appreciate is similar to projects like GravityLight, it is a simple light, but using a different kind of energy: mechanical energy. These projects bring me some confidence in humankind, some faith in humanity.

The email hack, tip or feature you use the most?
The thing that I do the most in my inbox is archiving mail. I really appreciate to see the little “No new mails” in Gmail. It’s my way to keep things clean and as the search engine of gmail is very cool, I always find the mails that I want to read again.

Your favorite Gmelius feature?
Without any doubts for this answer, the feature that I use the most is scheduled emails. As I work at different moments of the day, including late evenings, I prefer my emails to be sent the next morning instead.

Your pop figurine and why?
I’m Hulk, I give you an advice, don’t try to make me angry ;-)

What you are most known for in the office?
I don’t know if I can give an answer to this question myself, I’ll ask my coworkers =)
[We’d say it is his face in the morning when he found a parking space close by: pure joy]



Yelena Baatard
Gmelius Blog #1 CRM

Head of marketing @GmeliusTM. Searching and sharing the best tips about emails | productivity | marketing & sales