Become a Quester in GMFAM

Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2023

Why Become a Quester?

Because we like saying GM all day and have fun, bears don’t hurt, FUD can’t reach us, and the market does what it wants anyway.

But honestly, why should you participate in Quests?

With the Quest system being built for you, it is about more than fighting for Sprint rewards or the leaderboard. The current Quest system is divided into eight categories:

  1. The Family
  2. Join The Family
  3. Be A Family
  4. Grow The Family
  5. Wealthy FAM
  6. FAM Raider Quad
  7. The Family Trust
  8. GMFAMily Librarians (coming soon)

Getting to know The Family is the first step on your journey into GMFAM. Now it’s time to start sharing your GMs with us, for which you will have to Join The Family through Twitter, Discord, Telegram, and last but not least, our Medium page to stay updated about the most recent stories.

Share your first GM with the rest of the GMFAM community!

After this, it’s all about saying GM, more GMs, and more and more.

No, it most definitely is not!

Join us on our Gamified Journey of Exploration, Adventure, Personal Growth and Development, and more. Whether you are new in Web3 or have been around for years and are a seasoned HODLer, BUIDLer, trader, or influencer, we’ve got you covered. You may have set ambitious goals in life but do not know (yet) where to start or how to get started. This is what the Questing system is for.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” — Jim Ryun

Building Your Influence

An everyday GM is an excellent way to find out who already knows you or would like to converse with you. Get started through our Conversation Starter Quest, and if someone is responding to you, submit a screenshot of the conversation for review.

When new people or Questers are attracted to our community, it means there will be questions asked that need to be answered. If you have the correct answer, this is your chance to show your skills as a Problem Solver. Do know that your help will be more appreciated if you give them a solution they can act upon. Always try to connect with the other person positively and constructively.

“Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems.” — Rene Descartes

Don’t stop after helping others out one time. Respect and influence are built over time and require time. Also, do not give up if you cannot provide the answer needed. This is an opportunity to learn more about the matter, listen to others, and grow your knowledge.

After some time, you will understand the GMFAM community, and helping out becomes second nature. Now it’s time to start expanding your influence. Do you have what it takes to make an impact?

Only by knowing what is happening in the GMFAM family you will be able to create an impact on the FAM. Do you feel you are ready?

Then start the FAM Impact Quest and establish yourself within the community. If you’re ready for real next-level stuff and achieved the impact needed, give the FAMfluencer Quest a go. However, asking other community members to react to your posts is not polite. This will limit your personal growth development. We don’t want this, do we?

Remember! Impact and influence take time to build but can be gone with a few wrong words. So be positive, constructive, helpful, and as objective as possible.

“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.” — Chinese Proverb

Example of making an impact and screenshot required for submission.
Example of making an impact and screenshot required for the FAM Impact Quest submission.

Grow The Family

Now that you have learned the basics of how you can create an impact and build influence within the GMFAM community, it’s time to give the same opportunities to others and teach them your skills. What would be a better way than to invite your friends or family?

If you don’t know enough people (yet), it is good to start to Spread the Word to your closest friend(s). Make sure to show them around, introduce them to the rest of the family, AND send their first GM and do the Say GM to the FAM Quest.

As soon as you get your first friend on board, and they are happy with your warm introduction, it’s probably time to bring in others through the Moving the FAM, Start a FAM Clan, and Grow Your FAM Clan Quests.

Inviting new members to the family will help you to enjoy your Questing adventure, motivate you to continue during a dip, and push your personal growth boundaries even further. Bringing in people that leave after one Quest, or even inviting yourself to be able to mark your Quest as accomplished, will not only hurt the feelings of other GMFAM community members but ultimately lower your self-confidence and actual growth.

Time will catch up with all tales.

“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.” — David Bly

What is coming next?

In our next article, we will discuss the role of Wealthy FAM members, the purpose of the FAM Raider Quad, The Family Trust, and how you can become a true GMFAMily Librarian.

Meantime, don’t forget to say GM to everyone around you.

“We must become the change we want to see”. — Mahatma Gandhi




A huge #memecoin fam in the making that is about GMs, memes, and culture. 🌞 For airdrop allowlist: